making it happen. Even during lockdown.

This has been the most challenging year in living memory for most businesses. In this industry though, things don’t stop - not even for a pandemic. The images must still be made.

Here in Melbourne, that presented a particularly unique problem. For over 150 days this year, it’s been illegal to take photos outside of the home. That’s right cowboy, you’re on your own. Forced to become creative and resourceful in a way you never considered before.

Your living room? That’s your new studio, for the next 6 months. Buckle up.

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For half a year, studio hire: illegal

Restaurants, cafes and wineries: illegal

Retail stores, photography equipment hire: illegal

assistants, stylists, art directors, producers: illegal


but thanks to incredible clients, understanding editors and PR groups who did everything they could to keep work in-state, we made it. We got there.


I never want to repeat what we went through, but I’ll be god damned if I'm not proud of every creative that took what they were given and made something great.


the open pantry podcast


What goes into a gif